PRETTY K CODE PALINDROMES These are k expressions that are palindromes (save for parens and brac- es) and evaluate to 0 despite having no numbers actually present in the expression. "":_#_:"" "."-"." ""~""~"" People in the aplfarm k room also provided some more palindromes: Razetime shortened one of the above to be `~`~` He also made the shortest possible palindrome: `<` AND he came up with my favorite so far: boobs ((.)(.))-((.)(.)) ColTim wrote (::)..(::) EMOTICONS These emoticons are valid k expressions or functions. (^_^) is an expression which evaluates to 0 no matter what value is pas- sed into it. Try (^_^)'!100 (;w;) is a little trickier because we need to define w, which makes it not as pretty. A full working expression would be {[w];w;}'!10, which simply returns 10 ::s. (*_*) returns any integer passed into it. {x\\\\x} simply hangs ngn/k. Weird! {x////x} doesn't though. (d:) (like a reverse ":p") just returns whatever value is passed into it (and technically makes a new local variable...before it immediately goes out of scope again). Try (d:)'!100 {'.'} returns a `.` no matter what is passed in.